Welcome to ExtratechTechnology We are writing blog posts about building websites, Google Adsense, online jobs, online income, freelancing, and money-making job opportunities, mobile prices, and AI News
Welcome to ExtratechTechnology We are writing blog posts about building websites, Google Adsense, online jobs, online income, freelancing, and money-making job opportunities, mobile prices, and AI News
Boost Your Local Business Visibility with Structured Data Markup Structured data markup is a powerful tool to elevate y…
6 Powerful Google Drive Alternatives for Linux Google Drive is a widely used and convenient cloud storage service, o…
Google’s latest move forces SEOs to rethink how they measure success. Here’s what you should be focusing on now. Goog…
Google is removing its AI assistant, Gemini, from the main Google app on iOS devices. This move aims to encourage use…
Google Unveils "Career Dreamer"—An" AI Tool to Explore Career Possibilities Google is introducing a ne…